Class ArrayConverterFactory


public class ArrayConverterFactory
extends Registrar

Provides a way to get the appropriate ArrayConverter to convert a primitive array into an array holding the same data where each element is converted into its boxed type. In Java 1.4, primitive arrays cannot simply be cast to the boxed type, so an explicit conversion is necessary.

Constructor Summary
protected ArrayConverterFactory()
Method Summary
 Object[] convertToObjectArray(Object object, Class arrayClass, int dim)
          Called to convert a primitive array into an Object array with the appropriate wrapped type.
static ArrayConverterFactory getInstance()
 IArrayConverter getRegistrant(Object key)
Methods inherited from class ca.quine.factorygen.Registrar
addRegistrant, getRegistrantEntryIterator, getRegistrantIterator, getRegistrantProtected
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected ArrayConverterFactory()
Method Detail


public static ArrayConverterFactory getInstance()


public IArrayConverter getRegistrant(Object key)


public Object[] convertToObjectArray(Object object,
                                     Class arrayClass,
                                     int dim)
                              throws ClassNotFoundException
Called to convert a primitive array into an Object array with the appropriate wrapped type.

object - an array of some primitive type
arrayClass - the primitive type of the array (boolean.class, int.class, etc.)
dim - the number of dimensions of the array (the dimension of int[3] is 1, the dimension of int[3][4] is 2, etc.)
an Object array with the appropriate wrapped type for the primitive type of the array of object.