Class Summary | |
ArrayConverterFactory | Provides a way to get the appropriate
ArrayConverter to convert
a primitive array into an array holding the same data
where each element is converted into its boxed type.
ArrayMarshaller | Marshalls an array of any type up to dimension 3 (with any lengths), including primitives, into source code. |
ChainOfResponsibility | Implements a Chain of Responsibility along the lines of the pattern described in "Design Patterns", Gamma et. al., and provides helper methods to use the chain to export (or "marshal") objects as source code. |
CollectionMarshaller | The superclass of all marshallers that marshal a Collection
(or array) of Objects. |
CustomMarshallerExample | This class provides an example of how to create a custom marshaller for an immutable class (with no public setter methods). |
CustomSourceExporter | This class demostrates how to subclass the SourceExporter and add
a custom marshaller. |
DateMarshaller | Marshals a date object (but does not handle any subtypes of Date). |
DefaultMarshaller | Marshals a JavaBean by looking for get/set or get/is method pairs. |
ImmutableMarshaller | This class is a base class for custom marshallers that marshal an immutable class (with no public setter methods and no public no-args constructor). |
ListMarshaller | Marshals a list to source code. |
MapMarshaller | Marshals a map into source code. |
MarshallingContext | Holds information and properties that keep track of and control source code generation (such as which objects have been seen so far and what code formatting style to use). |
MethodNameComparator | Compares two Method objects by their names.
MethodSourceReturn | Used by SourceMarshaller.createMethodSource(MarshallingContext, Object, String, String)
to return more than one thing. |
NullMarshaller | Marshals a null object. |
PrimitiveMarshaller | Marshals all the primitive types and their wrapper classes. |
SetMarshaller | Marshals a Set into source code. |
SourceExporter | Constructs a ChainOfResponsibility and exports (or "marshalls")
objects to source code using it (this class is the main class in the
SourceExporter package). |
SourceMarshaller | The superclass for all marshallers. |
StringMarshaller | Marshals a String to source code, handling any backslash
escapes and quoting. |
Provides marshallers to export the state of a given Object into source code. For a general overview, details for getting started and reasoning behind why this package exists, refer to the JCommons documentation. To create a marshaller that exports source code for an immutable class, see the source code for CustomMarshallerExample. To create a marshaller that exports source code for a collection, see the source code for ListMarshaller. To add a new marshaller to the chain, see the source code for CustomSourceExporter. These are not specifically linked here because the source code is more interesting from a developer perspective than the JavaDoc.